Discover the World of Traditional Japanese Colors

Are you ready to embark on a vibrant journey through the captivating world of traditional Japanese colors? Welcome to ColorDictionary – your passport to a spectrum of inspiration and creativity.

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Stay inspired. Stay colorful.

Delight in a beautifully minimalistic interface that invites you to explore Japanese colors like never before. Whether you're an artist, designer, or simply a lover of aesthetics, our user-friendly app offers an enchanting experience.

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Color Display Options

With ColorDictionary, your exploration options are as diverse as the colors themselves. Choose between grid, list, or full-screen views to uncover the hues that resonate with you.

Grid view

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List view

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Full-screen view

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Color Sorting

Finding the perfect color is effortless with our sorting options. Sort by hue or opt for a random selection to discover unique shades that ignite your creativity.

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Copy Color Code

Need to incorporate a specific color into your project? ColorDictionary has you covered. Easily copy color codes and seamlessly integrate them into your designs, ensuring precision and efficiency.

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Download for Free

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